A Reconstrução da Identidade na Internet

“Um sistema de redes em rápida expansão, conhecido colectivamente por Internet, liga milhões de pessoas em novos espaços que estão a alterar o modo como pensamos, a natureza da nossa sexualidade, a organização das nossas comunidades e até mesmo a nossa identidade” (Sherry Turkle)

Search WWW Search ciberidentidades.blogspot.com

segunda-feira, novembro 07, 2005

O fenómeno da blogosfera

A blogosfera não pára de crescer e este fenómeno continua, por isso, a surpreender e a ser notícia um pouco por todo o mundo. No artigo apresentado a seguir, fala-se da experiência norte-americana de "blogar".

O artigo

Internet goes blog wild

They debate overrides and discuss fine dining.
They sling insults one moment and describe nature walks the next.
Some give their names, others remain anonymous.
This is the realm of blogging, the World Wide Web's virtual coffeehouse, where everything and everyone is fair game.
About 120 million Americans use the Internet, and 32 million read blogs, online journals that unfold into conversations by way of reader comments and replies, the Pew Internet and American Life Project reported in January.
''You can find blogs on any subject, on any scandal, on any local or national issue,'' said Gloria Boone, a communications and journalism professor at Suffolk University. ''Blogs are very much becoming part of everything else - of corporate public relations, political movements. ...''
As of Friday, the largest blog search engine, Technorati.com, was tracking 20.6 million worldwide blogs, a hefty number considering 62 percent of online Americans have no idea what they are.
Good or bad, they offer a new kind of civic arena, a town square open to all, said Lee Rainie, director of the Pew project, which studies the impact of the Internet on social culture.

in Cape Cod Times