A Reconstrução da Identidade na Internet

“Um sistema de redes em rápida expansão, conhecido colectivamente por Internet, liga milhões de pessoas em novos espaços que estão a alterar o modo como pensamos, a natureza da nossa sexualidade, a organização das nossas comunidades e até mesmo a nossa identidade” (Sherry Turkle)

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sexta-feira, agosto 15, 2008

Estarão os mais novos a ficar desatentos?

A utilização do computador alterou, sem dúvida, o quotidiano de muitas pessoas. E, na opinião de uma prestigiada neurocientista britânica, Baroness Greenfield, poderá mesmo afectar o nível de atenção dos mais novos que, cada vez mais cedo, estão durante várias horas a interagir com essa ferramenta informática. Esta ideia não é ainda consensual e gera polémica no meio.

O artigo
Is computer use changing children?
By Marc Settle
Reporter, BBC iPM

As the age at which children start to get familiar with computers and the net gets ever lower, questions are starting to be asked about what that exposure is doing to our children's brains and their ability to concentrate.

These questions are ones which eminent neuroscientist Baroness Greenfield says needs to be confronted. The director of the Royal Institution says the "sensory-laden environment" of computers could result in people "staying in the world of the small child".

Professor Greenfield has spent a lifetime researching the physiology of the brain, and now thinks that there could be a link between the attention span of children and the growing use of computers.

In an interview for Radio 4's iPM she said: "The last 10 years have seen a three-fold increase in the prescription of the drug Ritalin, a drug used for Attention Deficit Disorder. One asks why?

"Why suddenly is there greater demand for a drug for attentional problems?" she asked. "This might, and I stress might, be something to do with the increased exposure of young children to unsupervised and lengthy hours in front of a screen."

in BBC News - Technology


sábado, agosto 02, 2008

O sexo dos blogues

As "Mommy bloggers" é o novo fenómeno da blogosfera. Cada vez são mais e reúnem-se em comunidades como a BlogHer para unir forças. As mulheres podem ser o sexo forte da Web 2.0 e, consequentemente, é preciso mudar as estratégias de marketing e publicidade.

O artigo
The power of female blogging
By Maggie Shiels
Technology reporter, BBC News, Silicon Valley

The message was loud. It was clear. It was simple.

"Take the money."

Spelling it out was Gina Garrubbo, executive vice president of BlogHer, which claims to be the biggest online community for women who blog.

Ms Garrubbo made her comments at Blogher's recent conference in a session that aired concerns mommy bloggers have about selling out by displaying adverts on their sites or testing out products.

"Everyday I talk to Fortune 500 companies and they care. They care about supporting you on your terms. It is your opportunity. Build the business. Write the rules," said Ms Garrubbo.

in BBC News - Technology
