A Reconstrução da Identidade na Internet

“Um sistema de redes em rápida expansão, conhecido colectivamente por Internet, liga milhões de pessoas em novos espaços que estão a alterar o modo como pensamos, a natureza da nossa sexualidade, a organização das nossas comunidades e até mesmo a nossa identidade” (Sherry Turkle)

Search WWW Search ciberidentidades.blogspot.com

terça-feira, outubro 31, 2006

O curto tempo de vida dos Social Networking Sites

O público-alvo dos Social Networking Sites - os adolescentes - mudam de preferências rapidamente. Ontem o MySpace era o site do momento, hoje o recém-criado Facebook afirma-se como nova tendência.

O artigo
In Teens' Web World, MySpace Is So Last Year
Social Sites Find Fickle Audience
By Yuki Noguchi
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, October 29, 2006; Page A01

Teen Web sensation MySpace became so big so fast, News Corp. spent $580 million last year to buy it. Then Google Inc. struck a $900 million deal, primarily to advertise with it. But now Jackie Birnbaum and her fellow English classmates at Falls Church High School say they're over MySpace.
"I think it's definitely going down -- a lot of my friends have deleted their MySpaces and are more into Facebook now," said Birnbaum, a junior who spends more time on her Facebook profile, where she messages and shares photos with other students in her network.
From the other side of the classroom, E.J. Kim chimes in that in the past three months, she's gone from slaving over her MySpace profile up to four hours a day -- decorating it, posting notes and pictures to her friends' pages -- to deleting the whole thing.
"I've grown out of it," Kim said. "I thought it was kind of pointless."

in The Washington Post - Technology

segunda-feira, outubro 30, 2006

O futuro da Internet em debate II

O Internet Governance Forum realiza-se entre hoje, 30 de Outubro, e 2 de Novembro em Atenas, na Grécia, e reúne mais de 1.500 representantes de todo o mundo.

O artigo
World discusses internet future
By Darren Waters
Technology editor, BBC News website, Athens

The future of the net is the ambitious topic under discussion at the first global Internet Governance Forum, being held in Athens over the next five days.
It has been set up by the UN to give governments, companies, organisations and individuals space for debate.
Nitin Desai, chair of the organising body for IGF, has said the forum needed "dialogue in good faith".
He warned that the biggest challenge in making the IGF successful was a "potential culture clash".
In a column for the BBC News website, Mr Desai said: "The forum will give voice to the citizens of the global net and help identify emerging issues which need to be tackled in the formal processes."

in BBC News - Technology

O site

quinta-feira, outubro 26, 2006

As maiores propriedades na web e respectivos visitantes

Os poderosos sites da Microsoft, Yahoo! e Google continuam nos lugares cimeiros, com mais de de 400 milhões de visitantes em Setembro de 2006, revelam os dados divulgados hoje pela comScore Networks. Destaca-se ainda a subida de visitas nos sites Wikipédia e no YouTube.com.

Os dados
Web Properties Total Unique Visitors (000) Sept-06
---------------- ------
Worldwide Total 726,749 (Age 15+)
Microsoft Sites 505,479
Yahoo! Sites 480,641
Google Sites 467,498
eBay 237,327
Time Warner Network 217,843
Wikipedia Sites 154,848
Amazon Sites 133,518
Fox Interactive Media 117,789
Ask Network 112,768
Adobe Sites 95,196
Apple Computer, Inc. 94,909
Lycos, Inc. 91,126
CNET Networks 84,259
Viacom Digital 65,799

* Excludes traffic from public computers such as Internet cafes and access from mobile phones or PDAs.

in comScore Networks

quarta-feira, outubro 25, 2006

A utilização de sites dedicados ao emprego pelos europeus

50 milhões de europeus visitaram mensalmente sítios web relacionados com recursos profissionais, procura de emprego e formação durante o terceiro trimestre de 2006 (mais 11% do que no ano anterior), anunciou hoje a empresa comScore Networks.

O artigo

LONDON, U.K., October 25, 2006 -- comScore Networks, a global leader in digital media measurement, today announced the results of a usage analysis of career-related Internet sites in Europe based on data from its comScore World Metrix service. According to the study, sites dedicated to online career resources, job search, and training attracted 50 million European visitors per month during Q3 2006, an increase of 11 percent versus year ago.
Monster (headquartered in the U.S.) led the category among European visitors, attracting an average of 9.2 million unique visitors per month during Q3 2006, an increase of 25 percent versus the same period last year. September was a record month for Monster, with the property attracting more than 10 million European unique visitors for the first time. The second most-visited career site in Europe is Bundesagentur für Arbeit (also the most-visited career site in Germany) with an average of 3.1 million European visitors per month, up 15 percent versus year ago. ANPE Sites, the most-visited career site in France, attracted an average of 2.7 million European visitors per month during the quarter, a 19-percent increase versus year ago.
"In Europe, the Career Services category continues to show strength," said Bob Ivins, managing director of comScore Europe. "Growth rates for the leading players are outpacing the category growth, indicating a trend toward consolidation as recruiters are increasingly focused on the industry’s larger players."

in comScore Networks

Os dados estatísticos
Top European Career Sites, by Unique Visitors in Europe, Age 15+ *

Average Monthly Unique Visitors, Q3 2006
Total Europe – Home and Work locations
Source: comScore World Metrix

Average Monthly
Unique Visitors
During Q3 2006 (000) Category Reach (%) **
-------------------- ---------------------
Total Internet
Population -- Europe 215,848 --
Career Services and
Development Category 49,686 100%
Monster 9,217 19%
für Arbeit *** 3,093 6%
ANPE Sites *** 2,670 5%
Stepstone 2,499 5%
PLUS.GOV.UK *** 2,085 4%

* Excludes traffic from public computers such as Internet cafes or access from mobile phones or PDAs.
** Percent of Career category users who visited the individual site
*** Government-run Web site

sexta-feira, outubro 20, 2006

A história do YouTube em vídeo

O YouTube tornou-se o assunto do momento depois da compra milionária realizada pelo Google.

O artigo
A Video History of YouTube

From lip-sync videos to $1.65 billion in 14 months.
By Paul Boutin
Posted Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2006, at 4:35 PM ET

YouTube's rise from indie Web site to the Internet's top TV channel—it now streams 100 million videos per day—happened so fast that only the most obsessive surfers have followed its entire arc. If you're just now becoming aware of the site's existence, here are a few milestones that will help you understand where YouTube's been and where it's headed.

in Slate - Technology

O vídeo


quinta-feira, outubro 19, 2006

Viciados na Internet?!

Não consegue imaginar a sua vida sem a Internet? Habitualmente navega sem rumo nas páginas web? Considera a Internet um esconderijo para fugir aos problemas da "vida real"? Atenção, se respondeu sim a todas as questões, revela sintomas de estar viciado na Internet. Segundo um estudo da Universidade de Stanford, essa situação acontece com um em cada oito adultos americanos. Por isso, os especialistas consideram importante não ignorar esta nova patologia, que está na origem do recente aparecimento de clínicas de tratamento da dependência da Internet em todo o mundo.

O artigo
US shows signs of net addiction

More than one in eight adults in the US show signs of being addicted to the internet, a study has shown.
"Addicts" showed signs of compulsive internet use, habitually checking e-mail, websites and chat rooms.
More than 8% of the 2,513 respondents to the Stanford University phone survey said they hid their use from partners.
A typical addict is a single, white college-educated male in his 30s, who spends more than 30 hours a week on "non-essential" computer use, it found.
"We often focus on how wonderful the internet is; how simple and efficient it can make things," said Dr Elias Aboujaoude of the Stanford University School of Medicine and one of the researchers behind the study.
"But we need to consider the fact that it creates real problems for a subset of people."

in BBC News - Technology

terça-feira, outubro 17, 2006

Um blogue nacional

"Britain's biggest blog" é um projecto que pretende levar os cidadãos britânicos a publicarem on-line um diário da sua vida quotidiana.

O artigo
Blog aims to record everyday life

Thousands of people across Britain are expected to contribute to a project aiming to create an online archive of a day in the life of the country.
The National Trust is encouraging people to record a diary of their day on a website, as part of what is being called "Britain's biggest blog".
The blogs will then be stored by the British Library and at other locations.
The trust says it will create a "fascinating social history archive" of everyday life for future generations.
Tuesday has been picked as an "ordinary day much like any other of no particular national significance".

in BBC News - Technology

segunda-feira, outubro 16, 2006

Ninguém pára o Google

Uma das empresas do momento, o Google, é hoje assunto da secção DN Tema, do Diário de Notícias.

Os artigos
Google transforma-se num jovem império
Alexandra Machado

Googol. Não é um erro de escrita. É mesmo a origem do nome do motor de busca na Internet Google. O que significa? É a designação matemática para um número começado por 1 e seguido por cem zeros. Difícil de imaginar...
Toda a vida do Google - que nasceu em 1998, pelas mãos de Larry Page e Sergey Brin, que têm hoje 33 anos - está pensada em torno da matemática, sendo os cem zeros ilustrativos da sua missão: organizar a imensa quantidade de informação disponível na Internet. Começou por ser apenas um motor de busca, cujas receitas assentavam na publicidade, mas assumindo sempre que não haveria pop-ups (janelas que se abrem quando é acedida uma determinada página) associado aos seus sites.
Hoje é muito mais do que isso e promete continuar a crescer, já não guiado por fórmulas matemáticas, mas por critérios económicos. Em menos de quatro anos de actividade, o Google tornou-se rentável e hoje é já a maior empresa de Internet na bolsa e garante lucros superiores a mil milhões de dólares.

You Tube vale pela audiência
Paula Brito

Uma das razões por que o Google adquiriu o YouTube prende-se com o facto de este site de vídeos lhe permitir aumentar as receitas publicitárias aos níveis desejados pela Wall Street, defende o analista sénior da eMarketer John Gauntt.
O modelo de negócio do Google, que é organizar a informação mundial com uma lógica comercial - 90% das suas receitas provêm da venda de palavras-chave (por apenas cinco euros) -, está testado e estável, com crescimentos modestos. Crescer agora só através de algo que some audiência à já existente, que é imensa.

in Diário de Notícias - DN Tema

terça-feira, outubro 10, 2006

O Youtube.com foi adquirido pelo Google

1.650 milhões de dólares foi o valor que o gigante Google pagou pela aquisição de uma das empresas do momento, a YouTube. Entretanto, a comScore Networks forneceu em press-release alguns dados sobre o crescimento e alcance do popular site que permite ver e partilhar vídeos.

Os números
Worldwide Traffic Growth at Youtube.com Among Users 15+
Unique Visitors (000)
August 2005 - August 2006
Source: comScore World Metrix

Youtube.com Unique Visitors (000)
Aug-05 2,811
Sep-05 2,93
Oct-05 3,602
Nov-05 4,484
Dec-05 5,771
Jan-06 9,529
Feb-06 15,185
Mar-06 22,295
Apr-06 26,938
May-06 42,437
Jun-06 49,371
Jul-06 63,411
Aug-06 72,080

Worldwide Share of Page Views by Region Among Users 15+
Percent (%) of Page Views
August 2006
Source: comScore World Metrix

Total Internet Google Sites Youtube.com
-------------- ------------ -------------
Total Page Views (MM) 1,826,439 86,215 4,675
Worldwide 100% 100% 100%
North America 29% 14% 26%
Latin America 6% 33% 7%
European Union 29% 30% 29%
Asia-Pacific 33% 19% 36%
Middle East-Africa 3% 3% 2%

A análise
- Worldwide traffic to Youtube.com (among visitors 15+) has grown nearly 2,500 percent from August 2005 to August 2006, from 2.8 million visitors to 72 million.
- In August 2006, Google Sites ranked as the 3rd most visited Internet property with more than 468 million visitors 15+, while Youtube.com ranked 14th with 72 million. The two properties had a combined worldwide reach of 477 million visitors 15+.
- Google Sites derived a relatively high percentage of their page views (33 percent) from Latin America compared to the region's share of Total Internet page views (6 percent), while Youtube.com drew a more representative 7 percent from Latin America.
- Youtube.com is potentially complementary to Google in its coverage among other worldwide regions. Specifically, Youtube.com derived a relatively high percent of its page views (36 percent) from Asia-Pacific, while Google Sites attracted just 19 percent from the region. Youtube.com also drew a higher percentage of page views from North America (26 percent) compared to Google Sites' share (14 percent).

in comScore Networks

domingo, outubro 01, 2006

O crescimento das redes sociais

Os social networking sites são, sem dúvida, um dos assuntos do momento. Eles representam um importante papel na Web 2.0, a nova geração da Internet.

O artigo
Rise of the web's social network
By Marc Cieslak Reporter, BBC Click

Since its beginning, the web has often been used as a tool to meet new people, but in recent years the interaction between web-users has grown dramatically, spawning a new generation of networking sites.

The notion of Web 2.0, or an internet model where content is created and shared by users, has given birth to some of the most popular sites the internet has ever seen. So much so, that anybody who is anyone, wants to be part of the online social networking scene.
Sites like Bebo, Friendster and Myspace have fuelled the social networking trend.
At first glance the sites could be dismissed as posh blogs, but tools that make it simpler to post text, photos, music and now home-grown video have turned social networking into an online phenomenon.

in BBC News - Programmes